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Complete Solutions
Better than a PEO...One-Stop-Shop

Integrated Benefits
  • Health Insurance integrated with our Payroll Services 

  • Less Admin work for you

  • Lower Insurance Costs

Call us to learn more.


Stay compliant. Receive laminated posters and updates when there is a law change. Remote worker e-Poster service also available.

Click Here for more info or enroll.

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Workers' Comp

Pay-As-You-Go workers' compensation integrated with our payroll. We also offer traditional insurance. Call us to enroll.

Integrated 401(k)

401(k) management integrated with payroll.  Call us to learn more.

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Background Checks

Quick and easy online background checks for your employees and/or contractors. Click Here to Enroll

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Employee PayCards

PayCards give employers the opportunity to provide an electronic payment solution for those employees who do not, or cannot, have bank accounts.      Call us to enroll.

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Time Tracking

Save time and reduce costly errors by allowing your employees to enter their hours online or use our punch-in/punch-out online time clock. Call us to enroll.

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HR Management

Professional Human Resources advising and support. HR software functionality. Call us to learn more.

Employee Discounts

Tickets at Work offers exclusive discounts, special offers and access to preferred seating and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, movie tickets, hotels and much more. A benefit offered exclusively to Easytrack Payroll Clients and their employees. Free, Click here to learn more.

Easytrack Payroll LLC

Boulder and Denver, Colorado


We take pride in our business community and go beyond your typical service by putting our heart and soul into helping you!

Copyright © 2007 - 2024 Easytrack Payroll LLC. All rights reserved.

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